Army of Darkness
by Mike Ooi
Qty Name Age Title Clan
1 Hector Sosa 4 none Brujah
1 Hugo 4 none Brujah Antitribu
3 Carlotta Giovanni 7 none Giovanni
2 Cristofero Giovanni 3 none Giovanni
1 Gaspare Giovanni 6 none Giovanni
2 Mario Giovanni 3 none Giovanni
2 Regina Giovanni, 10 2 votes Giovanni
The Right Hand of Augustus
Qty Name Type Requires Blood Pool Set Rarity
1 Death Pact action necromancy 1 A U
2 Ambrosius, The Ferryman ally Giovanni 3 A R
10 Fake Out combat V C
7 Mighty Grapple combat potence V C
2 Shattering Blow combat potence V C
10 Spiritual Intervention combat necromancy D C
5 Thrown Gate combat potence V C
4 Torment the Soul combat necromancy D C
5 Trap combat V C
4 Undead Strength combat potence V C
4 Gas-Powered Chainsaw equip 1 S C
2 Sawed-Off Shotgun equip 2 V C
1 Talbot's Chainsaw equip 3 V R
8 Haven Uncovered master V C
1 Heidelburg Castle master 2 D U
1 Mausoleum, Venice, The master Giovanni 1 D U
1 Morgue Hunting Ground master Giovanni 2 D C
2 Necromancy master D C
4 Potence master V C
3 Short-Term Investment master 1 V C
1 Spiritual Protector retain Giovanni 3 D C
11 Zombie retain Giovanni 1 D C
89 Total Library Cards
1 action
2 ally
83 common 47 combat
3 uncommon 7 equipment
3 rare 20 master
12 retainer
Army of Darkness - Now’s YOUR chance to play Ash! Get a vamp out and give them
a chainsaw and a shotgun! Get out a bunch of zombies and move them around with
Heidelburg Castle! Remember, if you dodge during strike resolution, the zombies
still smack the other guy! Hey yeah, and shoot them with the BOOMSTICK! YEEHAW!
Only successful if you are playing for fun and like zombies.