CrazyMalooka: I'm bleeding with Aggripina.
UpACreek: I will block with Meshenka.
Crazy Malooka: Oh yeah, you think so. Aggripina plays Faceless Night (+1
st). Tap it up, buddy.
UpACreek: Meshenka plays Enhanced Senses (+2 int). Eat me.
Crazy Malooka: Hmmm...Hannibal takes over with Mask of a Thousand Faces and
+1 Stealth.
UpACreek: That's okay, I still have equal intercept.
Crazy Malooka: Hannibal now plays Faceless Night (+1 stealth). Stay tapped.
I know this is your stupid Meshenka Enhanced Senses deck.
UpACreek: You can't do that! One type of modifier per action!
CrazyMalooka: I can. Faceless Night is being played by a different minion.
Go ahead and try to block with someone else. Tap them too!
UpACreek: Well, I'm playing Dramatic Upheaval then!
CrazyMalooka: You can't, it's not your turn!
UpACreek: Watch me, @#!$!
And UpACreek flips the card table over and storms out...