Pissed-off Princes
by Mike Ooi
Qty Name Age Title Clan
3 Emerson Bridges 8 Prince Ventrue
1 Queen Anne 10 Prince Ventrue
3 Sir Walter Nash 7 Prince Ventrue
1 Suhailah 9 Prince Ventrue
3 Timothy Crowley 7 Prince Ventrue
1 Wilhelm Waldburg 9 Prince Ventrue
Qty Name Type Requires Blood Pool Set Rarity
5 Bewitching Oration act mod presence V C
4 Bribes act mod V C
5 Conditioning act mod dominate 1 V C
1 Charming Lobby action presence V U
2 Fifth Tradition: Hospitality action prince, just 1 V U
1 Force of Will action fortitude 1 D C
4 Fourth Tradition: Accounting action prince, just 1 V U
6 Legal Manipulations action presence 1 V C
2 Restoration action fortitude V C
2 Sixth Tradition: Destruction action prince, just V U
2 Social Charm action presence V C
3 Indomitability combat fortitude V U
4 Rolling with the Punches combat fortitude S C
11 Skin of Steel combat fortitude 1 V C
3 Assault Rifle equip 5 V U
1 Sport Bike equip 1 V U
2 Effective Management master V C
2 Information Highway master V U
1 Legendary Vampire master 2 D U
2 Minion Tap master V C
1 Uptown Hunting Ground master Ventrue 2 V U
3 Vast Wealth master V U
1 Ventrue Directorate Assembly master Ventrue 2 D C
1 Ventrue Headquarters master Ventrue 1 V U
7 Anathema pol act prince, justicar D U
2 Ancient Influence pol act V C
3 Archon pol act prince, justicar V V
1 Consanguineous Boon pol act V C
1 Conservative Agitation pol act V C
2 Disputed Territory pol act V C
1 Political Stranglehold pol act S U
4 Wake with Evening's Freshness react V C
90 Total Library Cards
20 action
14 action modifier
55 common 18 combat
35 uncommon 4 equipment
0 rare 13 master
17 political action
4 reaction
Pissed-Off Princes - The Ventrue be taking over, beeyotch! They gots
a crew o’ mean Archon muthas comin’ at yo ass wit Assault Rifles and
Vast Wealth. They slap multiple Anathemas on yo prey’s ass and take
him down by shootin’ his punk ass down to zero and burn his punk bitch
ass! They ain't takin' no pain wit the Fortitude! And then they lock
the vote down ‘cuz you pulled out a bunch o' prince muthas wit 4th Trad,
beeyotch! A Successful deck in small 3-4 player games.