Used Car Salesman
by Mike Ooi
Qty Name Age Title Clan
2 Black Cat 5 none Brujah
1 Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn 3 none Brujah
1 Volker, The Puppet Prince 5 Prince Brujah
1 Yuri, The Talon 4 none Brujah
1 Jacko 8 none Brujah Antitribu
1 Jacob Bragg 3 none Brujah Antitribu
1 Richter, the Templar of Du Mont 7 none Brujah Antitribu
1 Salinger 9 Archbishop Brujah Antitribu
1 Sarah Brando 3 none Brujah Antitribu
1 Sela 6 Bishop Brujah Antitribu
1 Carter 2 none Toreador Antitribu
Qty Name Type Requires Blood Pool Set Rarity
4 .44 Magnum equip 2 V C
5 Acrobatics combat celerity 1 V C
1 Barrens, The master V C
1 Blur combat celerity 1 V C
5 Bum's Rush action V C
2 Celerity master V C
2 Fake Out combat V C
14 Flash combat celerity V C
4 IR Goggles equip V C
3 Nimble Feet combat celerity V C
3 Potence master V C
3 Short-Term Investment master 1 V C
10 Trap combat V C
4 Vampiric Speed combat celerity V C
1 Gang Territory master Bru. Anti. 2 S R
1 Jackie Therman retain V R
1 Mr. Winthrop retain V R
2 RPG Launcher equip 2 V R
1 Sword of Judgement equip Bru. Anti. 2 S R
3 Brujah Frenzy master V U
1 Powerbase: Chicago master 1 V U
2 Rampage action potence V U
3 Sport Bike equip 1 V U
1 Warzone Hunting Ground master Brujah 2 V U
10 Well-Aimed Car combat potence V U
87 Total Library Cards
7 action
61 common 49 combat
20 uncommon 14 equipment
6 rare 15 master
2 retainer
Used Car Salesman - Welcome to my showroom! We have a lot
of lovely models to choose from. Let me take you to the
Second Round and let me Maneuver to long. Let me sell you
a NEW CAR! Let me Blur and sell you TWO USED CARS! Or how
about a Rocket Launcher? If you successfully throw cars at
people, you are playing correctly.